" How Shopping Led To Ministry "

Dear Friends and Family,

When we were at the grocery store, we heard a friend call our names. We stopped and talked with him for quite a while. He said he was at the check out lane, ready to check out when he remembered that he forgot to pick up some juice. The strange thing was, he went the long way around to get to the juice isle, and than he noticed us. I believe that God had directed or paths so that we would meet that day.

We talked about the many miracles that God had been doing through our ministry. He told us that God had called him to a church in Benton Harbor.


He told us that the church he was attending started at 11:30 am, so he was going to come to our church Sunday for praise and worship and then go to the other church.


A couple days went by, and the Lord impressed on me that Lena and I were to minister at his church that coming Sunday.


I’ve learned that when the Lord tells me to go to a church and minister, God will provide the opportunity for us.


When Sunday came, we met our friend at our church. I told him that God had impressed on me that we were to go with him to his church.


We left after the offering was taken at our church, and then followed him to his church. When we arrived, he introduced us to the pastor, and the pastor asked us to sit on the platform with him.


I still didn’t know just how the Lord was going to make a way for us to minister, but what I knew was that He said we were to minister.


After the pastor was finished with his message, he went back to his seat. There was a quietness that came over the church, then the Lord prompted me to go to the pulpit and share what God had put on my heart. When I was finished, I gave an alter call for three categories of people.


The first call was for people to give their lives completely over to the Lord, and any areas of their lives they were having struggles with, God would deliver them. The second was for people who needed a healing in their body. The third was for people who wanted to be used more for the Lord.


God began speaking to the hearts of everyone. People responded and came forward. God showed up as the deliverer and set people free, and as the healer and healed those that were afflicted.

The first person we prayed for wanted to get his life right with God. We agreed with him in prayer that he would stop doing anything that was displeasing to God, and asked God for forgiveness.