" Ministering in Michigan City "

Dear Frienda and Family,

The Lord impressed on me that we were to go to a church in Michigan City Indiana. The pastor and his wife had hosted the “Praise The Lord” television program in Illinois, on which our son Darren and his wife Donna were guests with their book “Twenty One Day Marriage Make Over”.

This was the first time we had gone to this church. When we entered the church, several members greeted us with loving kindness, which made us feel right at home. When talking with the pastor, he invited us to minister that evenings service. After pastors gave an encouraging message to the woman of the church, The pastor  introduced us to his congregation and turned the service over to us. We shared the vision God had given me, and some of the miracles God had used us in. The more we shared with them, the more excitement and anticipation came over them, which built up their faith.

We invited everyone who wanted to be healed to come forward. About 90% of the congregation responded and came forward to receive their healing.

The first gentleman we prayed for was instantly healed of plugged up sinuses. At that point the faith of the people rose, and we could see the excitement on their faces.

Another gentleman was in constant lower back pain and upper side pain. After praying for him, we had him bend and twist and tell us what happened. He said all the pain was gone. At the same time he received his healing, a lady sitting in the pew got her back healed. She accepted her healing by faith and God healed her. We prayed for several other people with lower back pain and God healed each and every one of them.

A young man said he wanted to be healed from stuttering. He said he was having problems saying what he was thinking. After we prayed for him, I told him to say something. He started talking and said,” I am talking and I don’t hear myself stuttering”, thank you Jesus!

There were several ladies with female problems and were having pain in their stomachs. Lena laid her hands on their stomachs and all the pain went away. Praise God!

A lady was having severe kidney pain. After Lena laid hands on the lady’s back, the lady told the congregation that every place Lena had laid her hand, it felt like a hot heating pad and all the pain left her kidneys.

A lady said she was in constant fear whenever she had to drive her car. We laid hands on her and cast out the spirit of fear and the fear left her. She said a wonderful peace came over her mind. God doesn’t want us to have a spirit of fear, but to have a sound mind.

We prayed for a gentleman that was experiencing anxiety attacks. After he received prayer, he said that he felt a cloud lift off his head and felt a complete release.

These were just a few of the many people that experienced the Miracle Healing Power of God that night.

Jesus is saying to you this day, only believe and you will receive. Just accept it by faith, it’s for you.