" Mackinaw City Vacation "

Dear Friends and Family,

Have you ever decided to take a vacation on the spur of the moment, well that is what Lena and I did.

It has been about twelve years since our last vacation. We decided to go to Mackinac Island, and to the Soo Locks in the upper peninsula of Michigan. We made arrangements to stay at a motel right next to the Mackinaw Bridge in Mackinaw City. Because it was after Labor Day, the rates for motel rooms went down quit a bit. We were able to get a great deal on a room.

A couple of years ago we met the Pastors of Agape Lighthouse located in Mackinaw City Michigan. The night before we left I called the Pastor, and said we were coming to Mackinaw City on vacation, and we were also planning on visiting their church on Sunday. I went on to say if they would like to have us minister, we would be glad to. They didn’t know us very well, we only met once, but we had been sending them our news letters.

We got to our motel Saturday afternoon, and that evening we walked around the city and just relaxed.

The next morning we set out for Agape Lighthouse church, but couldn’t find it right away, so I stopped at a gas station, and asked the driver of a Star transport bus how to get to the church. I was on the right road, but didn’t go far enough down the road.

We arrived at the church about ten minutes early. The Pastors greeted us as we arrived. We felt right at home there, everyone was very friendly. You would have thought we all knew each other. That’s the way church was meant to be.

After the pastor was finished ministering, we were introduced and given the rest of the service. I told the congregation my testimony, and how we got started into ministry. I shared a few testimonies of the miracles that God has been doing through our ministry, and told them that God wants to work outside the church as well as inside the church. Then the Lord directed me to look at an exit door. It had a red life ring with the inscription Star Line, two sets of paddles, and a rope. The Lord gave me a special message using all of these objects along with the door and the exit sign. Isn’t it great when the Holy Spirit shows up, and gives you a message that is tailor made?

I gave three alter calls. One for people to receive Jesus for the first time, One for people to rededicate their lives to the Lord, and one for people who needed healing in their bodies.

On the first call a young lady came forward, and Lena led her to the Lord. The girl’s mother and sister were crying tears of joy seeing her give her heart to Jesus.

On the second call about seven people came forward to rededicate their lives to the Lord, and Lena led them through a rededication prayer.

Then I asked for people that needed a healing in their bodies to come forward. Almost the whole church responded and came forward. I explained to the people the difference between healings and miracles. I told them if they were prayed for and they immediately were healed, that was a miracle, and if they were prayed for, and after a day or so were healed, that was a healing. Miracles also go against medical reasoning. Something that is medically impossible to happen.

The biggest percentage of the people had back problems of one sort or another, and Jesus healed every one of them, from pinched nerves to dislocated disc. One lady wasn’t able to touch her fingers with her thumb because her thumb wasn’t able to bend. I placed my hand over her thumb, and commanded in the name of Jesus for the thumb and joints to bend. Then I told her to move her thumb. As she did, her thumb bent to the middle of her palm and then she was able to touch her fingers and thumb together. This might not sound like much, but to her it was a great deal.

A lady had a migraine headache, Lena layed her hands on the lady’s head, and commanded the migraine to go in the name of Jesus, and it left.

A lady wasn’t able to hear well in one ear. After laying my hand on her ear, commanded the ear to open up in the name of Jesus, she was able to hear.

A lady had cataracts in one eye and two holes in the retina of the other. She said she couldn’t see a straight line, it would appear crooked. After praying several times for her eyes, she was able to see much better.

A lady came with high blood pressure and potassium deficiency. Her leg muscles hurt all the time. I prayed for her heart and blood pressure, and in the name of Jesus, commanded the potassium levels to become normal. As I prayed, she said the pain in her leg was gone.

A lady came forward with a cane, limping, and was bent over forward and to one side. I had her sit in a chair, and I measured her legs. One was longer than the other. In the name of Jesus I commanded her back to go into place, and for the legs to become the same length, and her legs began moving until they were the same length. I told her to get up and walk. She walked without limping and without her cane, but still was bent over to one side. I asked Lena to pray for her hips. After that she was walking perfectly straight, and normal.

As you read this letter, if you find yourself wanting to walk closer with Jesus, or maybe you would like to receive more of Him. The good news is He wants more of you too. It doesn’t matter how many times you have fallen. He is always there to pick you up. Maybe you are like the first young lady, and want to receive Jesus into your heart for the first time, or maybe you have known Jesus, but haven’t been living your life as you know you should. You can do the same as the people did in this letter. You can ask Jesus to forgive you of all your sins, and to come into your heart. You can also ask Jesus to forgive you for not living a life that is pleasing to Him. Go ahead, ask Him right now. He’s been waiting for this moment.